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t: 07770 820673

The centre for health and wellbeing


The HeartMath System is a practical way to enhance and support the immune system and optimise general health and well-being. It is the only scientifically-validated system of stress intervention techniques and objective biometric feedback that quantifiably and dramatically boosts the health and performance of individuals and organisations.

Ulysses specialises in the teaching of techniques for the effective and immediate reduction and management of stress and anxiety which provide efficient, practical and lasting intervention skills for individuals and business organisations.

The proven HeartMath programs build on breakthrough research into the critical heart-brain communication system, teaching users how to optimise the very physiological processes that underpin health, well-being and high performance.

The innovative training sessions are practical and delivered on a 1:1 basis using award winning emWave technology, thus providing you with measurable real-time biometric feedback on your progress and your achieved levels of psycho-physiological coherence.

It is a simple, practical and lasting approach to stress resiliency.

My aim is to enable people meet life’s inevitable challenges with poise and resiliency in the moment.